Special Meeting for Sisters with Brother Minoru (8/17; Berkeley)
Pray for the Lord to speak a shepherding word to care for the sisters this Saturday. Also pray for the Lord to cover all the practical services so the conference can go smoothly.
NorCal Full-Timers Orientation
Pray for all the full-timers in northern California to be supplied for the labor through their personal endeavoring in prayer and in the Word and be perfected in their character and service so the Lord and the churches will benefit from their service.
New Semester Preparation
Pray for many to be turned from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light this fall semester! May the Lord supply and strengthen the students and full-timers for their laboring with Him and cover all the preparation and coordination.
Labor Day Conference (8/30-9/1)
Pray for the saints' preparation and blending together through prayer, the ministry and prophesying from the recent training in Numbers. The format will involve many saints speaking, and many more sharing their strengthening experience and testimonies. May the Lord use this conference to lay a foundation for the going on of the church in Northern California in the next 6 months.