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Prayer Burdens, Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Updated: May 8, 2019

Restructuring and Direction of the Lord's Day Meetings

May the Lord continue to release the organic function of each member as He leads the church.

Campus Work - Finals & Summer Break

Pray for all the students to take grace as they study this week. Also pray for all the students to continue to grow and enjoy the Lord during the summer break.

6th Grade Conference (5/10-12)

Pray for the salvation of our young ones! May the Lord prepare these precious vessels to be ready to receive Him (one 6th grader from Berkeley will attend). Also pray for the parents and serving ones in their caring and shepherding of these 6th graders.

North American College Training

We are praying for all 2800 spots to be filled, and the deadline for late registration is May 15. Pray for the Lord to move in many college students and cause them to respond to His calling for this special time. Pray that they all would be released and supplied to register and go.

Lord's Move in Germany - Berlin

A potential meeting hall property has been located for the church in Berlin. Please pray that preliminary evaluations will be completed in a timely way, that the property will be in good condition for purchase, and that the city will approve it for church use

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