Upcoming Events
Re-speaking of ITERO (4/27 at church in Fremont, Hall 1 from 6-9 PM) There will be a re-speaking of ITERO for all saints in the East Bay churches on April 27th at the church in Fremont, Hall 1, 37167 Fremont Blvd. Dinner is provided at 6 PM and the meeting will be from 7-9 PM. Please let your district brothers know by April 23 if you plan to attend.
Memorial Day Conference (5/24-27 at Seattle, WA) Hotel information is at gc.synxis.com/rez.aspx?Hotel=76786&Chain=21650&group=0714633&arrive=05/24/2019.
July Semiannual Training (7/1-6 at Anaheim, CA) Registration with online payment for the training is now open at www.churchinberkeley.org/conferences.
2019 North America College Training (7/14-20 at Champaign, IL) Registration for the North America College Training is now open at www.collegetraining.org. Early registration will end on April 15th.
Crystallization Study of Numbers, Volume 2, Week 9
Prayer Meeting
Main hall district - in the meeting hall
Library district - in the homes
Marshalls and Chens
Life-Study Reading
Life-Study of Revelation, Msgs 31 and 32
“Having therefore, brothers, boldness for entering the Holy of Holies in the blood of Jesus.” -- Hebrews 10:19