New or Revised for This Week
Fellowship with Brother Minoru (4/21 at 7:30 PM) On Tuesday night, there will be fellowship with brother Minoru at 7:30 PM followed by prayer in clusters at 8 PM. The Zoom Meeting ID and password have been sent in an email. If you did not receive the email and would like the meeting ID and password, please contact Paul Daubenmire at (949) 285-0505.
21 Days of Prayer for the World Situation The 21 days of prayer has been extended to April 30th. During these unprecedented times, join in prayer regarding the world situation. Please visit to sign-up for a 15-minute time slot to pray and to receive daily prayer burdens.
International Memorial Day Conference Due to the continued spread of COVID-19 and the likelihood that various government mandates regulating and restricting public gatherings will be extended, Living Stream Ministry has decided to modify its upcoming Memorial Day Conference. The conference will no longer be held in Atlanta, GA. Instead, Living Stream Ministry is planning to host this conference online. Details regarding the conference are available at the following link: UPDATED: No hotel reservations will be automatically cancelled, with or without the LSM group rate. If you have a reservation at the Atlanta Marriott you must cancel your reservation by contacting the hotel at 1-800-228-9290.
Previously Announced
Letter from the Co-workers in the Lord's Recovery (dated March 26, 2020) English Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) Spanish Korean
To purchase a digital copy of The Holy Word for Morning Revival -- Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, Volume 2 Apple Books Amazon Kindle Google Play Store
2020 Southwest Summer College Training (7/6-12 at Yucaipa, CA) Registration is open at
Crystallization Study of Deuteronomy, Week 9
Prayer Meeting
7:30 PM - Fellowship with Brother Minoru via Zoom 8 PM - Prayer in clusters
Life-Study Reading
Life-Study of Matthew, Msgs 67 and 68
“But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.” -- 1 Corinthians 6:17