New or Revised for This Week
Corporate English Lord's Table next 5 weeks The English-speaking Lord's Table and prophesying meetings will be combined in the Main Hall starting Lord's Day, December 17th, through Lord's Day, January 14th.
Previously Announced
December Semi-annual Training Registration We have another opportunity to participate in the riches of the ministry of this church by participating in the upcoming semi-annual training. Registration Form and more details are here: All those participating, whether watching individually or with others, are required to register.
Video Training in Berkeley, CA
December 25, 2023 - January 6, 2024 (Meeting Schedule - holidays, evenings and weekends)
Registration Donation: $155 per person
LSM Donations There is now a website where saints can donate to Living Stream Ministry: This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It cannot be used to make payments for goods or services.)
An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing Vol. 2 - Week 12
Prayer Meeting Tuesday night
7:30 PM - corporate by language
Life-Study Reading
The Life-Study of 1 Corinthians - Messages 51 & 52
"Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." - Revelation 19:7