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Announcements for January 10th to 16th

Writer's picture: Church in BerkeleyChurch in Berkeley

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

New or Revised for This Week

  • Lessons for New Believers Reading Challenge (1/1-1/31) The books serving saints would like to invite all the saints to participate in a reading challenge! From January 1st to the 31st, read through all 25 chapters of Lessons for New Believers. There is a GroupMe in which all those participating can share enjoyment from their reading for one another's mutual encouragement and nourishment. Please contact Philip Lee at (206) 280-6179 if you have not yet been added to the GroupMe. This book contains many lessons with which we must be equipped in order to shepherd new believers. These lessons begin with thirty-eight points that form a firm foundation concerning our salvation and continue with terminating the past, consecration, and walking according to the spirit. Subsequent lessons cover how to meet, the meetings of the church, the expression, oneness, and ground of the church, serving the Lord, preaching the gospel, and the practice of fellowship. This fast-paced reading challenge will provide the saints with a familiarity of many wonderful truths not only for their own benefit but also to shepherd and nourish new believers. As a further incentive, those who read all 25 chapters by January 31st will receive a $10 book sales voucher, redeemable only via the Church in Berkeley book sales. There is one remaining print copy available for purchase ($18.03/copy, tax included). To purchase, please fill out Digital copies can be purchased (Apple, Amazon, Google). It can also be read free of cost on


Previously Announced

  • Saturday Corporate Migration Prayer The Saturday morning migration prayer and fellowship is postponed for the remainder of this month (no corporate prayer this Saturday through the end of the year). The saints should continue their personal and local group prayer for migration. An announcement will be made when this corporate prayer and fellowship time resumes sometime in January.

  • Special Year End Fellowship with brother Minoru Special year end fellowship was given by brother Minoru to the church in Irvine on having a personal and family time with the Lord at the beginning of the new year. Please find the recording here:

  • LSM Donations There is now a website through which saints can make online donations to Living Stream Ministry: This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It may not be used to make payments for goods or services.)



Shepherding in Mutuality for the Building Up of the Body of Christ, Week 1

The morning revival materials can be downloaded by clicking the file below:

Prayer Meeting

7:30 PM - Prayer in clusters

Life-Study Reading

Life-Study of Ephesians, Messages 67 & 68


“Therefore let us also, having so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, put away every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and run with endurance the race which is set before us” -- Hebrews 12:1

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