New Announcements
All-church prayer meeting, hybrid option This Tuesday, June 7th, the whole church will gather together for the prayer meeting. In addition to meeting on Zoom, there is a hybrid option for saints to gather in-person at the meeting hall in the video room and join the meeting together.
The Holy Word for Morning Revival - Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Samuel Volume 2 Beginning next Monday, June 13th, we will continue with volume 2 of The Holy Word for Morning Revival - Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Samuel. To purchase a physical copy, please contact Sampson Chan or Matthew Muh. To purchase a digital copy, please visit one of the following websites: Apple Books Amazon Kindle Google Play Store
Previously Announced
1 & 2 Kings Reading Schedule To help the saints prepare for the upcoming July semiannual training, which will be on the “Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Kings,” the books serving saints have designed a reading schedule for the month of June in order to finish 1 & 2 Kings before the start of the training. The schedule consists of reading 2 chapters of 1 & 2 Kings each day. The schedule also includes a Life-Study reading schedule of 1 message each day. Most of the messages are between 6-8 printed pages in length, shorter than other Life-Study messages, so reading one message per day is not difficult. The books serving saints would like to encourage the saints to prioritize reading the scriptural text and then reading the footnotes and Life-Study messages according to one’s capacity. Please find the schedule at this link:
SW College Training (7/13-17, at Yucaipa, CA) The 2022 SW regional college training will be taking place in-person on July 13th to 17th at Yucaipa, CA. Registration for the 2022 college training is open! Please visit and register by June 1st. There is an additional $35 cost for registrations after June 1st and before June 12th, the final deadline.
July Semiannual Training (in-person: 7/4-9; video training: 7/4-16) Registration for the in-person training is now closed, but registration for the video training is still open at this link:, although there is no guarantee that paper copies of the outline will be available. The video training in Berkeley will take place July 4th to 16th. Registration is $125 per person and registrations after June 19 will incur a $25 late fee.
The Holy Word for Morning Revival - Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Samuel Volume 1 To purchase a physical copy, please contact Sampson Chan or Matthew Muh. To purchase a digital copy, please visit one of the following websites: Apple Books Amazon Kindle Google Play Store
Life-Study of Galatians Reading Schedule We urge all the saints to build a healthy habit of reading the Life-study messages for strengthening the constitution of the churches. Physical copies are being offered at a 40% discount from the retail price: $15 per set (tax included). Please place an order using the following form:
Weekly Truth Pursuit Meeting (Saturdays at 8-9 AM, Zoom) There is a weekly truth pursuit meeting with the churches in the East Bay on Saturdays at 8-9 AM. This is an opportunity to redeem our time and to labor on the word. To attend the truth pursuit meeting, please use the following Zoom link:
Update regarding the Student Truth and Ministry Pursuit Program (STAMPP) Eligible books now include ministry books purchased independently from the church in Berkeley books service and also include ministry books read entirely online. May the Lord have the way to richly bless all the students with the riches found in the ministry!
LSM Donations There is now a website through which saints can make online donations to Living Stream Ministry: This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It may not be used to make payments for goods or services.)
The Holy Word for Morning Revival - Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Samuel, Volume 1, Week 6
Prayer Meeting
7:30 PM - All-church prayer meeting (See above announcement for hybrid options)
Life-Study Reading
Life-Study of Galatians, Messages 43 & 44
“...Knowing that a man is...justified...through faith in Jesus Christ, we...have believed into Christ Jesus that we might be justified out of faith in Christ and not out of the works of law, because out of the works of law no flesh will be justified.” --Gal. 2:16