The serving ones in Ukraine have written a letter to the saints concerning the present world situation. Please read the letter in full below:
Dear Brothers and Sisters, As we face one of the most historic events in recent human history, we would like to first remind the saints of the apostle Paul’s prayer for us in Ephesians 1 — that the Lord would give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation and that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened to know the hope of our calling and the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe (vv. 17-21). We are reminded that this hope and this power exist in another realm, in the divine and mystical realm, in the pneumatic Christ and the consummated Spirit. Surely these days we need to ask the Lord to transfer us out of the physical, natural realm, full of human anxiety, opinion, and thought, and to open our minds to see the real things taking place in the unseen realm. It is crucial, as we approach the time of the Lord’s coming, that the saints realize who the Lord is, where He is, and who we are as a result of our union with Him in the mingled spirit. There is an urgent need for a number of saints to transcend the natural realm and, in full union with the Lord, with His feeling, His thought, and His insight, to “pray in prayer” (James 5:17 and footnote) that the authority of the throne would be exercised in the present conflict. May the Lord help us all. Our statistics regarding the saints and the churches in Ukraine indicate that there were approximately 50 churches and 1500 saints in Ukraine prior to the pandemic. Based on recent reports, throughout Ukraine the saints are suffering greatly in the present conflict. In the area around Kyiv, where the largest church of about 200 saints is located, some of the saints are remaining in their homes, about 40 saints are in the meeting hall, and another 40 saints are in a village outside of Kyiv. Yesterday quite a few saints were able to travel to cities in west Ukraine, many of which are now also under the duress of war. A good number of the saints have gathered at our conference center in west Ukraine, in a small village that we thought would be spared from fighting; but we have found out that this area also is threatened. The president of Ukraine has declared a “General Mobilization,” meaning that all men between the ages of 18 and 60 can be conscripted at any moment. Now it is difficult for any of the young brothers to flee; no males are being allowed out of the country. The lines at the Polish border extend for many kilometers. May the Lord give us the prayers we need to pray for the protection of the fleeing saints and their travel. Many Ukrainian cities where the saints are, are under attack. Under steady bombardment, many of the saints are suffering physically and psychologically. Pray that the Lord will surround the saints with His protection, that the souls and minds of the saints will be covered and guarded from the threats of the evil one, that the Lord will provide them with their daily necessities, and that they will realize and directly experience Christ as the Shepherd and Overseer of their souls. Those who would like to offer for the needs of the saints in Ukraine can give through LME. Instructions for sending a check through postal mail and for sending gifts by wire transfer can be found at Instructions for those who wish to give through ACH transfer or through the PayPal Giving Fund can find instructions at (please follow instructions there concerning the way to designate your offering, especially if you give through the PayPal Giving Fund). Those who wish to offer through PayPal or by a debit or credit card can find instructions at No matter what way you give, please designate your offering for “Ukraine.” Yours in Christ, The serving ones in Ukraine