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Prayer Burdens October 9, 2018

Updated: Oct 16, 2018

Prayer Burdens

ITERO (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10/4-6)

The general topic of the training was Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-Inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God. Pray we will all come to know and propagate this all-inclusive Christ. Also continue to pray for the Lord's move in Africa.

College Conference (Sacramento, 10/27-28)

Pray for the Lord to release many students to register for this conference. The early-bird deadline is 10/14.

Prophesying Meeting Districts

Pray for the upcoming redistricting. May the Lord release more shepherding and blending through the new arrangement.

The Lord's Move in Europe - First Table Meeting in Munich (Munich, 10/14)

Pray for the Lord to have a glorious testimony at this table meeting and that He will continue to bless the saints there.

The Lord’s Move in the Middle of America

Pray for the Lord to revive His work in the United States, and particularly to spread in the middle of this country. Pray that He would add many more to the churches and usher in years of revival. May the gospel of the jubilee be announced throughout this region, especially through the giving away of Bibles and ministry books. Please pray that these Bibles and books would reach the hungry ones who are seeking God and longing to know the truth.

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