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Prayer Burdens, Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Writer's picture: pauldaubenmirepauldaubenmire

New Semester - UC Berkeley

Thank the Lord for His blessing on the winter retreat! May this semester be filled with Prayer, Spirit and the Word as we go out in His move. Pray for the Lord to gain 15 salvations and 8 baptisms this coming semester!

Also, pray for the tracts passed out this morning, the sign-ups for the weekly Bible studies as well as the invitations to the welcome dinner tomorrow evening.

Burden for North America

With assurance from the Holy Spirit and based on much prayer and fellowship among the co-workers in North America, we are eager to announce a fresh, intensified move of GTCA—Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America—in 2020 and 2021 to spread the Lord’s recovery across the United States and Canada.

Brother Witness Lee believed that in this age, God has chosen the US to be the base for the spreading of His recovery on the earth. He strongly felt that as the world’s leading nation located at the crossroads of the globe, America was raised up for the Lord’s ultimate move: the corporate living of Christ in the local churches as golden lampstands and the perfecting of the testimony of His Body, the one new man.

Throughout the 1980s, brother Lee spoke repeatedly concerning the need to propagate the Lord’s testimony in the heartland of America, including “the so-called Bible Belt from North Carolina to Arizona.” Our brother considered not only the US as a whole, but, more specifically, Middle America to be most strategic for the Lord’s interest.

In particular, the southern and central regions of the US were very much on brother Lee’s heart. He regarded these crucial areas as places open to the recovery, full of proper and promising people—godly believers and Christ-seekers—waiting to be contacted and gained. He hoped that a good number of saints would be led to migrate to many cities and states in America’s heartland, to gain a solid increase for His testimony and bring in a great blessing.

Our burden for Middle America is not new. Over the past two decades, GTCA has targeted many cities located in this area for the saints’ migration. At this time, however, there is a need for a renewed effort to strengthen the Lord’s move here for His advance in this country. Particularly, we want to gain the typical Americans (primarily those of Caucasian, African, and Hispanic descent), a new generation of college students from university campuses both large and small, as well as families in the community.

This GTCA move focuses on 10 key cities in the US. Most of these localities have an existing church that needs to be strengthened in order to become a base for propagation to nearby cities and states in the coming years.

These 10 localities are:

Charlotte, NC

Columbia, SC

Orlando, FL

Memphis, TN

St. Louis, MO

Lexington, KY

Cincinnati, OH

Minneapolis, MN

Pittsburgh, PA

Richmond, VA

For the present move in the US, two primary goals have been set:

300 qualified saints (an average of 30 saints per city) to commit to migrating to the 10 US cities/churches. These brothers and sisters can range in age from young adults to seniors and may be university students, single saints, or married couples.

30 full-time campus workers to form five campus teams, each with a player-coach (an average of six full-timers per team).

FTTA Gospel Trips

Starting Friday, January 24th, over 200 FTTA trainees will begin traveling to these destinations and others for gospel trips. Please pray:

  • For the coordination and preparation for the gospel trips and for all those participating in this special time of sowing.

  • Pray also for the Spirit to sweep in the hearts of the people in every place that is visited to make them open to receive the ministry of the age.


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