Fellowship with Brother Minoru Chen to NorCal Churches
June Semiannual Training (6/30-7/14)
Pray for the Lord to speak a timely word to His recovery for His present day move. Also pray for many to register. The deadline is this coming Lord’s day. For information see: https://www.churchinberkeley.org/conferences
Bay Area and Valley Bible Camps in June
The Bay Area camps will have sessions every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Over 269 children are signed up, including children of saints, family members, and gospel friends! The Valley camp will in one week from June 22 to 27, with over 129 children and young people involved.
Also, pray for the release of the burden and the impact from the recent European Parents Conference!
College Training Registration
Pray for all the students to be released to register for the college conference this summer!