Pray that the Lord will bring many to know Him as peace in this difficult time all around the world. Pray for the saints in areas currently affected by the outbreak.
Campus Work
Pray for all the students to continue be in the word and enjoyment of Christ during the summer break.
Pray for the city of Oakland that the Lord will draw many to Himself to eat and drink of Him.
Bible Daily Reading
Pray we will all persevere in getting into the word of God to be supplied and nourished.
Shepherding in the Church
Thank the Lord for His caring for us as the Chief Shepherd! May the Lord use every member of His Body to shepherd the Body in love and in mutuality. Pray that every brother and sister in the church would care for and be cared for by another saint!
Pray that at least 30 saints would migrate to Minneapolis by the end of 2021. To date, 21 saints have migrated, with about 7 more who expressed a solid intention to migrate.